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NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments: Integrated Solutions for Nano-technology.
High-End AFM – nano-Raman/IR Equipment.

Over the last 25 years, NT-MDT has been involved in the development, production and support of research instrumentation, primarily, atomic force microscopes (AFM) and its combinations with ultrahigh resolution spectroscopy for nanotechnology and its applications. Our pathway has been marked by the creation of a large number of devices, whose functions and capabilities cover the broad range of customer needs in different areas: university education, academic and industrial research. NT-MDT pioneering efforts led to the impressive combination of scanning probe microscopy with Raman spectroscopy.

NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments is the result of the reorganization of NT-MDT corporate structure to maintain its lead in AFM and AFM – nano-Raman/IR. In the new form, NT-MDT’s businesses are represented by companies in Russia, Europe, USA and China.

SPM Principles

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