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Solver Nano - affordable AFM/STM system with advanced capabilities


Atomic Force Microscope for Research & Education.

AFM holds a strong positions in scientific research as is used as a routine analytical tool for physical properties characterization with high spatial resolution down to atomic level. Solver Nano is the best choice for scientists who are need a single instrument that is an affordable, robust, user-friendly and professional tool.


Scientific research

Solver Nano - AFM for science.

Solver Nano is designed by the NT-MDT China team that also created High Performance Systems like NTEGRA, NEXT II and NTEGRA Spectra II which have been proven in the scientific community through many key publications.

Solver Nano is equipped with a professional 100 micron CL (closed loop XYZ) piezotube scanner with low noise capacitance sensors. Capacitance sensors in comparison with strain gauge and optical sensors have lower noise and higher speed in the feedback signal. The CL scanner is controlled by a professional workstation and software.

These capabilities enable all of the basic AFM techniques in compact SPM design.

Because the SolverNano can be employed in diverse areas of research as AFM tool, several research examples are shown below:

  • Polymers
  • Bio objects
  • Carbon Materials

Atomic lattice of HOPG.
Scan size 4×4 nm.
Contact Lateral Force Mode

Atomic layers on graphite.
Scan size 1.8×1.8 µm.

Blood cells.
Scan size 50×50 µm.

Magnetic domains on hard disk.
Scan size 30×30 µm.

Silver Nqanowires.
Scan size 4×4 nm.

Polystyrene-Polyethylene blend
Scan size 20×20 µm.
HybriD Mode AFM

Scan size 500×500 µm.

C60H122 on HOPG.
Scan size 250×250 µm.

In the basic configuration, the SOLVER Nano contains the base unit with the measuring heads of the cantilever AFM and STM.

Base unit
Includes scanner, sample positioner, built-
in USB videocamera

Cantilever AFM yead
Allows installation of standard AFM probes

STM head
llows the installation of replaceable
inserts for STM/AFM wire probes

Configuration and experimental setup:

  • Solver Nano with AFM head.
  • CL 100 um piezotube scanner. CL enabled.
  • Digital controller.
  • Active vibration isolation.
  • Results from intermittent contact mode (topography, phase, and amplitude image).

The functionality of SOLVER Nano significantly increases due to the use of various options:

Heating stage

External 500x optical microscope

Bangee cord isolation system

Vibration isolation system.
Active damping 1-200 Hz

Available SPM modes

HybriDTMAFM technique

Contact AFM
Constant Height mode
Constant Force mode
Contact Error mode
Lateral Force Imaging
Spreading Resistance Imaging
Force Modulation Microscopy
Piezoresponse Force Microscopy

Amplitude modulation AFM,
Attractive & Repulsive regimes

Relief Imaging
Phase Imaging mode
Error mode

Electrostatic Force Mikroscopy
Scanning Capacitance Force Microscopy
Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy

Magnetic Force Microscopy

AFM Spectroscopies
Force-distance curves
Adhesion Force imaging
Amplitude-distance curves
Phase-distance curves
Frequency-distance curves
Full-resonance Spectroscopy

STM techniques
Constant Current mode
Constant Height mode
Barrier Height imaging
Density of States imaging
I(z) Spectroscopy
I(V) Spectroscopy

АAFM Oxidation Lithography
STM Lithography
AFM Lithography - Scratching
AFM Lithography - Dynamic Plowing


Atomic Force Microscopy

Contact AFM
Constant Height mode
Constant Force mode
Contact Error mode
Lateral Force Imaging
Spreading Resistance Imaging
Force Modulation microscopy
Piezoresponse Force Microscopy

Amplitude modulation AFM
Intermittent contact mode
Phase Imaging mode
Semicontact Error mode
Non-Contact mode
Electrostatic Force Modes
Contact EFM

Scanning Capacitance Microscopy
Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy

Dissipation Force Microscopy

AFM Spectroscopies
Force-distance curves
Adhesion Force imaging
Amplitude-distance curves
Phase-distance curves
Frequency-distance curves
Full-resonance Spectroscopy

STM techniques
Constant Current mode
Constant Height mode
Barrier Height imaging
Density of States imaging
I(z) Spectroscopy
I(V) Spectroscopy

AFM Oxidation Lithography
STM Lithography
AFM Lithography - Scratching
AFM Lithography - Dynamic Plowing

HD Modes

General specs:

Scanner   100 x 100 x 12 um closed loop scanner, 3x3x3 um open loop scanner
AFM resolution   0.01 nm
Environments   Air and liquid measurements.
Combined video optical microscopes  
Build in 100x optical USB microscope
External 500x optical microscope
Design   Table-top, affordable, robust and user-friendly
Scanning field   High voltage regime: 100x100x12 um
Low voltage regime: 3x3x3 um
Scanner type       Metrological piezotube XYZ scanner with sensors
Sensors type   XYZ – ultrafast capacitance sensors
Sensors noise   Low noise XY sensor: < 0.3 nm
Metrological Z sensor: < 0.03 nm
Sensors linearity       Metrological XY sensor: < 0.1%
Metrological Z sensor: < 0.1%
Overall scanner parameters   100x100x12 um with CL
Resolution: XY -0.3 nm, Z – 0.03 nm
Linearity: XY - < 0.1%, Z - < 0.1%
3x3x3 um with OL. Resolution: XY -0.05 nm,
Z – 0.01 nm

Sample positioning range   12 mm
Sample positioning resolution   1.5 um
Sample dimension   up to 1,5” X 1,5” X 1/2”,   35x35x12 mm
Sample weight   up to 100 g
Approach system type   Z – Stepper Motor
Approach system step size   230 nm
Approach system speed rate   10 mm per min
Algorithm Gentle approach   Available (probe guaranteed to stop before it touches the sample)

Scanning Heads
AFM head for Si cantilever   Available. All commercial cantilevers can be used
Type of cantilever detection   Laser/Detector Alignment
Probe holders   Probe holder for air measurements. Probe holder for liquid measurements.
Type of AFM head mounting   Cinematically mount. Mount accuracy 150 nm
(Remove/mount accuracy)
STM AFM head for wire probes   Available. Tungsten wire for AFM measurement. (low cost experiments) Pt|Ir wire for STM measurements
Type of cantilever detection   Piezo for AFM measurement
Probe holders   Probe holder for air and liquid measurements

Controllers. Digital professional controller
Number of images can be acquired during one scanning cycle   Up to 16
Image size   Up to 8Kx8K scan size
ADC   500 kHz 16-bit ADC
12 channels (5 channels with software controlling gain amplifiers 1,10,100,1000)
Individual filter on each channel
DSP   Floating point 320 MHz DSP
Digital FB   Yes 6 Channels
DACs:   4 composite DACs (3x16bit) for X,Y,Z, Bias Voltage
2 16-bit DAC for user output
XYZ scanner control voltage   High-voltage outputs: X, -X, Y, -Y, Z, -Z
at -150 V to +150 V
Low-voltage mode XY ± 10 V
XY RMS noise in 1000 Hz bandwidth   0.3 ppm RMS
Z RMS noise in 1000 Hz bandwidth   0.3 ppm RMS
XY bandwidth   4 kHz (LV regime – 10 kHz)
Z bandwidth   9 kHz
Maximal current of XY amplifiers   1.5 mA
Maximal current of Z amplifiers   8 mA
Integrated demodulator for X,Y,Z capacitive capacitance sensors      Yes
Open/Closed-loop mode for X,Y controlх   Yes
Generator frequency setting range   DC – 5 MHz
Deflection registration channel bandwidth   170 Hz-5 MHz
Lateral Force registration channel bandwidth   170 Hz -5 MHz
2 additional registration channel bandwidth   170 Hz -5 MHz
Bias Voltage   ± 10 V bandwidth 0 – 5 MHz
Modulating signals supply   To the probe (external output);
High-voltage X,Y, Z channels
(including LV regime);
Bias Voltage
Number of generators for modulation, user accessible   2,  0-5 MHz, 0.1 Hz resolution
Stepper motor control outputs   Two 16-bit DACs, 20 V peak-to-peak, max current 130 mA
Additional digital inputs/ outputs   6
Additional digital outputs   1
I2C bus   Yes
    Macro language
Max. cable length between the controller and SPM base or measuring heads   2 m
Computer interface   USB 2.0
Voltage supply   110/220 V
Power consumption   ≤ 110 W


STM head

STM measuring head for wire probes.

Wire AFM probe holder

AFM probe holder with piezotube resonance sensor for working in amplitude modulation mode. AFM holder is used with Universal AFM/STM head (Educational Kit).

STM probe holder

STM holder is used with Universal AFM/STM head.

Wire probes tip ething device

Special probe etching (probe sharpening) device for making STM probes from tungsten wire.


Undergraduate student manual

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