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Tip Enhanced Raman Scattering: Approaching 10 nm Optical Resolution

Application Note 100

  • Enhancement factors: 100x and more
  • Lateral resolution in TERS: down to 10nm
  • High speed TERS mapping
  • Based on commercial AFM cantilevers (contact, non-contact): multiple AFM modes, excellent imaging performance

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Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy at the Nanometer Scale

Application Note 099

Scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM) enables studying a sample’s optical properties with resolution far beyond the diffraction limit.
Sample fluorescence, light emission, transmission, scattering etc. can be mapped with the spatial resolution down to tens of nanometers.

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HybriD Piezoresponse Force Microscopy

Application Note 098

  • Piezoresponse force microscopy of soft, loose and fragile samples
  • Simultaneous study of morphological, nanomechanical, adhesive and piezoresponse propertiess
  • Real-time study of temperature dynamics of electromechanical properties

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Comprehensive Compositional Imaging of Heterogeneous Materials

Application Note 097

Compositional imaging of heterogeneous materials with AFM is one of invaluable applications of this method in academy and industry. Visualization of specific structures and probing of local properties (mechanical, electric, thermal, spectroscopic, etc.) are employed for AFM compositional imaging.

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Atomic Force Microscopy Studies of Mechanical and Electric Properties in the Contact Mode

Application Note 096

Contact mode, introduced 30 years ago, is the pioneering AFM technique that is still a valuable partner for other methods. Local mechanical studies in contact mode are demonstrated on polymer blends. Mapping of electrostatic force response in contact mode helps to characterize the electrically-active materials.

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Exploring Imaging in Oscillatory Resonance AFM Modes: Backgrounds and Applications

Application Note 095

A set of oscillatory resonance AFM modes is expanded with frequency modulation mode and frequency imaging in amplitude modulation mode. Frequency modulation mode provides a superior capability in imaging at broad force range and enhances studies at low probe-sample forces.

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Interplay between Raman Scattering and Atomic Force Microscopy in Characterization of Polymer Blends

Application Note 094

AFM recognition of the individual components in heterogeneous polymer materials is usually based on their specific morphology and differences of local mechanical and electric properties. Nowadays a deficit of local chemical or spectral information in AFM can be overcome by combining it with confocal aman scattering microscopy.

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AFM–Raman Characterization of Li-ion Batteries

Application Note 093

Development of advanced lithium batteries currently represents a very rapidly growing field of science and technology. Lithium batteries are interesting as a power source in numerous portable devices such as notebook computers, cellular phones and camcorders, in electrical vehicles, in military and aerospace applications.

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AFM-Raman Characterization  of Pharmaceutical Tablets

Application Note 092

Raman microscopy is a widely used technique in pharmaceutical industry. It allows identifying and rapidly characterizing chemical compounds, functional groups, molecular conformers, and authenticating various drugs.

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Solar Cell Diagnostics by Combination of Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy with Local Photoexсitation

Application Note 091

The Sun is an abundant, easily accessible power source that is currently underutilized, will possibly become the no-alternative choice for electrical power of humankind. It is believed that the most promising way to convert solar power is by the photoelectric method used in solar cells (SCs).

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Quantitative Nanomechanical Measurements in HybriD Mode Atomic Force Microscopy

Application Note 090

Quantitative nanomechanical measurements of polyme r samples in HybriD mode sho wed that the local elastic moduli c orrelate well to their macroscopic values. Maps of elas tic modulus w ere successfully applied for compositional mapping of immiscible polymer blends.

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Characterization of Materials with a Combined AFM/Raman Microscope

Application Note 089

Comprehensive materials characterization relies on studies of samples by complementary techniques. A need for chemical recognition of compounds at the microscopic scale led to the development of IR and Raman microscopes.

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High-Resolution Imaging in Different Atomic Force Microscopy Modes

Application Note 088

An operation of AFM microscope in a temperature-stable cabinet facilitates high-resolution studies and makes molecular-scale imaging of different materials a routine procedure.
The imaging at the atomic and molecular scale has been achieved on a number of samples not only in contact mode but also in the oscillatory resonant (Amplitude Modulation) and non-resonant (HybriD) modes.

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Expanding Atomic Force Microscopy with HybriD Mode Imaging

Application Note 087

Enhanced visualization of nanoscale structures - one of remarkable features of the HybriD Mode.
High-resolution mapping of local adhesion and stiffness in the HybriD Mode expands AFM compositional mapping of heterogeneous materials and transforms it into quantitative analysis of local mechanical properties.

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NEXT Scanning Probe Microscope: Visualization of Surface Nanostructures and of Morpholog

Application Note 086

  • Achieving molecular-resolution in the intermittent contact mode
  • Enhancement of surface visualization with a force control
  • Metrological aspects of profiling of rough surfaces

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Exploring Nanomechanical Properties of Materials with Atomic Force Microscopy

Application Note 085

  • Force effects in Atomic Force Microscopy imaging and spectroscopy
  • Contact resonance, phase imaging, dissipation, and bimodal excitation
  • Quantitative Atomic Force Microscopy–based nanoindentation

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Exploring Materials with AFM-based Electrostatic Modes

Application Note 084

  • Electrostatic Force Microscopy: Experiments and quantitative analysis
  • Local surface potential studies with single-pass Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
  • Broad range applications: From organic photovoltaics to metals and semiconductors

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Piezoresponse Force Microscopy in Its Applications

Application Note 083

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is routinely applied for compositional mapping of heterogeneous polymer materials. Recognition of the individual components in these materials is usually based on their specific morphology and differences of local mechanical and electric properties.

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Single-Pass Measurements in Atomic Force  Microscopy: Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy and Local  Dielectric Studies

Application Note 082

Sensitive measurements of local electrical properties, with a few nanometers spatial resolution, were realized in practice through phase modulation detection of the electrostatic force gradient. The validity of this approach is demonstrated on several different sample types: self-assemblies of fluoroalkanes, polymers, metals, and semiconductors.

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New Capabilities of NT-MDT China AFM Microscopes: Single-Pass Electrostatic Measurements

Application Note 081

    Multi-frequency Measurements
  • Broad frequency range
  • Amplitude/Phase Modulation detection of electrostatic tip sample interactions
  • Simultaneous measurement

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