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NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments is proud to be a partner of SNAIA2018 conference

December 10-13, 2018

The first European conference on Smart Nanomaterials will be held 10-13 of December in Paris.

Internationally known experts, including industry leaders, will join to discuss the most critical technological advances, innovations and new practical applications in smart technologies.
SNAIA2018 will provide a unique platform to meet, share knowledge and establish links between experts from academia and industry in the emerging fields of Wearable and Printed (Opto)Electronics, CMOS Photonics, Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, OptoGenetics, Smart Coatings and Thin Films. 

Place: École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris 

Dates: 10-13 December 2018

Official web page: https://www.snaia2018.com/

Have more questions? Contact us +7-499-110-2050
or fulfill a form and we will answer all your questions.