+86 21 6079 0303
+86 135 2487 5604
RapidScan technology is a combination of mechanical design and high-end digital electronical solutions which allows to speed up your AFM by an order of magnitude keeping 90 µm in-plane scaninng range.


RapidScan technology is a combination of mechanical design and high-end digital electronical solutions which allows to speed up your AFM by an order of magnitude keeping 90 µm in-plane scaninng range. All three access are equipped with high-precision closed-loop capacitive sensors.
image of collagen fibers<br>captured @ 1 & 10Hz scanning rates

90×90×0,5 µm
image of collagen fibers
captured @ 1 & 10Hz scanning rates

Active Resonance Damping applied via 4-order digital IIR filtering allow to operate 90 µm scanner at speeds up to 50 Hz without side-ringing

Active Resonance Damping applied via 4-order digital IIR filtering allow to operate 90 µm scanner at speeds up to 50 Hz without side-ringing


  Parameter   Value
  Travel range (XY/Z), μm   90×90×4 ±10%
  Closed loop sensors (XYZ)   Capacitive
  Sample size, ⌀ mm   15
  Vertical noise floor, pm   30
  XY position noise (Closed Loop), nm   0,1
  Nonlinearity, %   0,1
  Resonance Frequency (XY/Z), kHz   0,8/12
  Active resonance damping   Automatically tuned 4-th order IIR digital notch-filters

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