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Rebirth of Force Spectroscopy: HybriD AFM Mode


Arseny Kalinin

Webinar took place on Wednesday, 15th of November 2017 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM PST

NT-MDT S.I. is happy to present a new group of AFM and AFM-Optical combined modes based on fast force spectroscopy – HybriD mode (HD mode). Combination of the fast force spectroscopy with cutting-edge AFM and optical techniques together with the new high-performance HybriD 2.0 Control Electronics for real-time force curves processing, opens-up absolutely new opportunities of AFM equipment.

In this webinar we show the advantages of HD mode for fast quantitative nanomechanical and topography measurements (HD QNM, Bio HD and Vacuum HD), non-destructive conductive, piezoelectric, thermoelectric and thermal studies (HD C-AFM, HD PFM, HD SThEM and HD SThM), cantilever-type TERS and scattering scanning near-field optical microscopy (HD TERS and HD sSNOM).

Rebirth of Force Spectroscopy HybriD AFM Mode webinar presentation (5,0 Mb)

Video at YOUKU.COM

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